Dog Bites



Dog Bites

Were You Attacked by a Dog? Are You a Dog Bite Victim? Get Damages for Your Injuries

Each year in America, more than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs, and over 800,000 of them receive medical attention for their injuries.
Children are, by far, the most common victims of dog bites, and children are far more likely to be severely injured from a dog bite.
Senior citizens are the second most common dog bite victim, and they too run a high risk for being severely injured from a dog bite.

If You Have Been Injured by a Dog Bite or Attack, You Are Entitled to Damages

In Michigan, there are only two circumstances under which you are not entitled to damages as a result of being bitten by a dog.
If you were bitten by a dog while trespassing on the dog’s property, then you may not be eligible for compensation for your dog bite injuries.
If you were bitten by a dog while provoking the dog, then you may not be eligible for compensation for your dog bite injuries.
However, if you were neither trespassing on the dog’s property nor provoking the dog when you were bitten, they you are entitled to damages for your injuries.

Schedule a Free Consultation with an Experienced Dog Bite Injury Attorney in Michigan

Give us a call to speak to an experienced dog bite injury attorney in Northern Michigan, or schedule a free consultation to discuss your case with an experienced dog bite injury attorney in Traverse City.

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